Durability over time is the main aspect to consider when you intend to coat a wooden structure used outdoor. Atmospheric agents, smog, solar radiation and microorganisms present in nature cause a slow but inexorable degradation of a natural material such as wood, which if used as a material for doors, windows, shutters, structures, garden furniture, decking, etc, must be properly protected. Water-based products are preferred for this purpose as they are able, compared to solvent-based ones mainly used in the past, to effectively protect the wood structure by reducing VOC emissions into the atmosphere. Water-based paints are non-flammable, can be diluted with water and can be easily used in both mass and handcraft systrems. Fast drying, these products are characterized by high permeability to water vapor, forming a continuous coating film which allows the wood to transpire. Visit our website and find out better information on products useful for painting windows and doors.